EETD Scientist Editor of Special Issue of the Journal Energy Efficiency

January 6, 2012

Ed Vine, a scientist in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division is the editor of a special issue of the journal Energy Efficiency focusing solely on the evaluation of energy efficiency (2012: Volume 5 Number 1). The papers published in the issue are a subset of those delivered at the International Energy Program Evaluation Conference held in Europe in 2010.

The issue's introduction, by Vine and S. Thomas of the Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, and Energy notes that "Europe is at a critical juncture in developing a professional evaluation community. As the European Commission designs and implements directives and the Member States, regions, local authorities, and energy companies all create their own policies and programs, it is important that the evaluation community in Europe participate in the design and implementation of energy efficiency programs and policies, as well as in their evaluation. Policymakers need to know what works and what does not work."

The full set of papers from the conference are available at the official web site.